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Showing posts with the label WIRELESS CHARGING


What is  Wireless Charging And How Does It Work?   wireless charging,  it has been around since the late 19th century, NikolaTesla demonstrated  magnetic resonant coupling  – the ability to transmit electricity through the air by creating a magnetic field between two circuits, a transmitter and a receiver.                                                                 Wireless Charging Nowadays charging technology is getting big this is why charging technology Is all the rage now, and the new big thing is wireless charging .it's just convenient to use. Near the end of the 19th century, engineering mastermind Nikola tesla showed that two powerful magnetic fields can slightly transfer energy between their sources when they interfere with each other. but this wireless charging is experimented by tesla in the 19th century but this wireless charging has been built into smartphones since the Nokia's Lumia Windows phones such as the 820 and 920 gaining wireless charging support in 20
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